Welcome to the South Bay Workforce Investment Board (SBWIB) I-TRAIN directory. Here you will find the list of training providers and courses that have been procured and vetted by the SBWIB. Search by training provider, specific courses, provider locations and by specialized search features such as languages spoken and program delivery methods.
If you are a training provider and would like to be listed on I-TRAIN, choose one of the following:
- RTPD/CTPD - Regional and Community Training Provider Directories for Private/for-profit vocational schools and Non-profit and community-based organizations Click for Application Click for Instruction Video
- PTPD – Public Training Provider Directory for Public institutions, universities, community colleges, adult schools, ROPs Click for Application Click for Instruction Video
- Apprenticeship – For Department of Labor and Division of Apprenticeship Standards approved Apprenticeship Programs
Our team is available to answer any questions, we can be reached at (310) 970-7700 or info@sbwib.org
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doing will help us greatly with design improvements.
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